Pets as Therapy

Pets as Therapy

For those of you who visit our office regularly, and who may have come on that “special Thursday” once a month, you may have met our furry friend, Kalvin. He is a beautiful German Shepard brought to us by our Client Care Director, Rebecca. What started out as an...
What Do Dreams Mean?

What Do Dreams Mean?

Have you ever had a dream so vivid and realistic that you had the sense that it had actually happened? If the answer is ‘yes,’ then you are not alone. For some, dreams can be so powerful that they find themselves thinking of the dream for days, or even weeks at a...
Child Concepts of Death

Child Concepts of Death

The loss of a loved through death one can be an extraordinarily difficult time for everyone in the family. For children, this can also be a time of confusion and fear. Depending on a child’s age, he or she may not fully understand the concept of death and not yet...