Compromise the Coffee

Compromise the Coffee

We know what happens when we don’t get our morning fix – withdrawals! It’s funny how a stop to my neighborhood café and one sip of my favorite drink can take away my headache and cheer me right up. Unfortunately, buying coffee everyday isn’t too kind to my wallet, nor...
You Might Be an Introvert

You Might Be an Introvert

Written by Missy Betts I was asked once in a job interview whether I identified myself as an introvert or an extrovert. I answered honestly by saying that I’ve always been more of an introvert. I immediately felt the weight of my answer as the entire focus of the...
Laughter is the Best Medicine

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Written by Missy Betts Why can’t you trust atoms? …Because they make up everything! Did you laugh? No? I’ll admit that maybe this isn’t the most hilarious joke of all time, but if you read this with someone else who did laugh, chances are, you would have too....