Do Your Kids Have Spring Fever?

Do Your Kids Have Spring Fever?

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. Are your children bouncing off the walls lately? Are they getting sassier or fighting with one another? Have you noticed they are having difficulty concentrating or completing their homework? They may have a classic case of spring...
The Mindful Parent

The Mindful Parent

Take a moment to pause and reflect on the word “parent”.  If you are a parent, you might be thinking about the daily challenges you face: alone-time is probably non-existent, and despite feeling successful at work or in other areas, you might feel ineffective as a...
Building Confidence in Your Child

Building Confidence in Your Child

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. As I sit and watch a class of children in gymnastics I reflect on how important it is to for children to develop skills that build confidence. All humans strive to gain skills and develop pride in their abilities, making it important...
Is My Child Normal?

Is My Child Normal?

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. One of the most common questions I hear when a parent enters my office to talk about their child is “Is this normal?” We often wonder if our child is developing and behaving in typical kid-fashion or if there is something more we...
Help Kids Beat Summer Boredom

Help Kids Beat Summer Boredom

Written by Rebecca Zygar Almost every child looks forward to the summer. At the beginning of the season it seems like there are endless things to do and all the time in the world to do them. But, without structured schedules things can get boring in a hurry –...
Speaking Your Child’s Love Language

Speaking Your Child’s Love Language

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. Raising emotionally healthy children is a full time journey. It is the most rewarding, incredible journey while also a challenging passage. Along this voyage you may ask, do my children know how much I love them? Am I helping them...