Blog for Better Living

Got Scaredy Cat Kids?

By: Natalie Rice-Thorp, Ph.D. | January 24, 2020

When our kids feel anxious or scared, any parent would want to jump in and save them from emotional discomfort. In our busy lives, we tend to jump in too soon or brush concerns aside with a quick “there’s nothing to worry about.” Whether you tend to jump in as a swooper or dismiss as […]

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Anxiety, Children, Parenting

LGBTQ+ Folk, Substance Use, and Self Esteem

By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | January 17, 2020

The holidays have come and gone having brought socializing and cheer in the form of anything from eggnog to champagne to cannabis to harder substances too. While the general population might increase alcohol and substance use as a means to celebrate the season, research shows that the LGBTQ+ community increases use of such substances not […]

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Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ+, Substance Abuse, Trauma

Anxiety, Explained

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | January 10, 2020

What is anxiety? You know that feeling of fear on the first day at your new job? That’s anxiety. Do you recall that apprehension you felt before speaking in public? That’s anxiety. Remember that uncomfortable feeling when moving to a new town? That’s anxiety…and all forms of it represent normal and healthy responses to stress. […]

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Anxiety, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement

Starting 2020 with Mindful Self-reflection Practices

By: Other | January 2, 2020

Written by Kimberly Nenemay, Psy.D. The end of the year and the decade presents a natural pause to take time for self-reflection. One can reflect by asking questions such as “did this go as planned?” or “did this go right?” We may find ourselves thinking in black and white terms such as “did I have […]

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Anxiety, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Stress, Therapy

In This Moment…

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | November 22, 2019

There is bounty in every moment of our lives. But, how do we capture it? You may have heard of the “new age” practice of mindfulness or the mindfulness groups at Therapy Changes and think this new thing has no place in your busy, full life. This is simply not true. Let me dispel that […]

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Anxiety, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Sleep/Relaxation, Stress, Therapy

LGBTQ+ Holiday Survival Guide

By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | November 8, 2019

The holidays are times of joy and sharing, and so it should be for the LGBTQ+ community too. The holidays for that community can include times of particular stress as we return to our original families to celebrate the season. Some families show more affirming acceptance than others. The holidays present stress for many although […]

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Anxiety, Family, Holidays, LGBTQ+

How I Practice What I Preach: A Therapist’s Journey

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | October 11, 2019

A common misconception is that professional Psychologists “have it all figured out.” As a professional Psychologist, I can say as our little known secret is that we don’t have it all figured out. At least, not always. I may have the training and education, but I am also human. I learned partly from my professional […]

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Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Trauma

Better Living Through Chemistry?

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | September 27, 2019

Exploring the Role of Medication for Mental Health Disorders The slogan, “Better Living Through Chemistry” was originally coined by DuPont, an American chemical company, in the 1930s. The slogan is also the title of a 2014 movie featuring Jane Fonda and Ray Liotta! For our purposes, the expression brings attention to the important role that […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Substance Abuse, Therapy, Trauma

What Color Do You Feel Like Today?

By: Jen McWaters, Psy.D. | September 19, 2019

Our English language often uses the psychology of color to depict emotions. We “see red” when we are angry. We “feel blue” when we are feeling down. Yellow is often associated with happiness (think smiley face!), and we are “green with envy” when we feel jealous of someone. These associations are so embedded in our […]

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Anxiety, Depression