Blog for Better Living

Understanding, and Overcoming Perfectionism

By: Niyatee Sukumaran, Ph.D. | July 26, 2024

Some of us wear the label “perfectionist” as a badge of honor. It can be considered a positive quality, showing that we are and pay close attention to detail. What isn’t as well understood is that perfectionism can do more harm than good. It can damage our self-esteem and confidence, put a strain on our […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress

What Are Your Emotions Trying To Tell You?

By: Shanni Tal, Psy.D. | July 19, 2024

Emotions are a natural part of being human, yet they are often perplexing, can be unpredictable and difficult to understand. If you grew up in a household that didn’t acknowledge a range of emotions, it may be hard for you to identify, and express your feelings. This can lead to feeling disconnected, problems with your […]

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Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships

Do You Shy Away From Your Feelings?

By: Kristen Lipari, Ph.D. | June 28, 2024

How To Understand Your Emotional Cues   As a psychologist who treats strong and resilient women, I often hear my clients say that they try their hardest not to cry. They push their feelings away in hopes of avoiding the pain. Emotional repression is a common defense mechanism, especially if you live, or grew up […]

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Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress

Coping With Perfectionism Using RAIN

By: Niyatee Sukumaran, Ph.D. | June 21, 2024

As a psychologist, I’ve talked with many clients who are trapped in an endless cycle of not feeling “good enough” because they set excessively high standards for themselves. Although there is absolutely nothing wrong with striving for excellence, the tendency to aim for flawlessness negatively impacts a person’s life. This tendency is referred to as […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships

I’m an Accomplice

By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | June 7, 2024

Long before I was a psychologist, I was a volunteer and worked with all sorts of queer people. I remember volunteering in Hawaii almost 30 years ago, and one of the local volunteers was a trans woman. She was in the process of transitioning, and to get the “approval” of a psychiatrist to fully transition, […]

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Anxiety, Depression, LGBTQ+, Therapy

Balance Parenting Responsibilities: Increase Equity and Decrease Resentment

By: Kristen Lipari, Ph.D. | April 12, 2024

Many women in their 30’s grew up observing traditional gender roles, when women primarily managed child-rearing responsibilities and “kept the home,” while men worked outside the home to provide financial stability. Over the years gender roles have changed and women have more opportunities to advance their careers. Despite this significant evolution, women with careers who […]

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Depression, Parenting, Relationships, Stress

How to Set and Maintain Your Fitness Goals

By: Sheila Allameh, Psy.D. | April 5, 2024

The spring season has officially begun! The days are longer, and the weather is warmer, allowing more opportunity to be outside and move our bodies. The increased serotonin from healthy movement and Vitamin D from the sun naturally boosts your mood and energy, giving you the motivation you need to set, and maintain your fitness […]

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Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress

Self-Soothe Using Your 5 Senses

By: Natalie Rice-Thorp, Ph.D. | March 15, 2024

Have you ever felt SO mad, sad, or frustrated that you don’t know what to do with yourself? In these moments, what tools and coping skills do you have to manage your emotions effectively? Do you use alcohol or other substances to calm or numb yourself? Do you lash out at loved ones or pick […]

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Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress, Therapy

Overcome Impostor Syndrome and Heal Your Inner Critic!

By: Niyatee Sukumaran, Ph.D. | February 2, 2024

Impostor Syndrome is a persistent feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt. If you suffer from impostor syndrome you feel anxious, insecure, and consistently worry. You feel like a fraud and believe that you don’t deserve to be where you are. You might attribute your success and accomplishments to luck or circumstance, rather than the result of […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement