Blog for Better Living

The Power of Gratitude

By: Other | November 10, 2017

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. “Gratitude opens the door to the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude.” — Deepak Chopra This is the time of year we discuss the concept of gratitude and being thankful. Some of us will take it to heart and practice gratitude at […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress

Do You Suffer from Depression?

By: Other | September 29, 2017

Therapy Changes eagerly announces new, innovative treatments for our clients that compliment therapy and help achieve goals more effectively. Our team recently learned of an alternative treatment approach for patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder or MDD. The treatment is called Brainsway Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or dTMS. Therapy Changes is pleased to share an […]

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Depression, Therapy

Meaningful Connections

By: Other | September 15, 2017

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. Do you have meaningful connections in your life? Do you feel uplifted after a conversation with a friend? Are interactions with strangers at the store pleasing to you? Humans have a core necessity to connect with others. These lend meaning and happiness to our lives. Reflecting on our daily encounters […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Stress


By: Other | September 1, 2017

Written by Anke Reineke, Ph.D. When faced with a stressful situation, we might blame ourselves or judge ourselves negatively. While listening to another person talking about the same stressful situations, we are likely to show more caring and kindness. Why is it so hard to offer the same kindness to ourselves that we so easily […]

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Depression, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Stress

Writing for Mental and Emotional Well-Being

By: Other | August 18, 2017

Written by Paul Paris, Ph.D. Some of us enjoy writing. Some of us loathe it. Like any personal affinity or dislike, the process of writing may inspire and resonate with us or we may feel indifferent about it — a task with which we just don’t connect. The reasons we write are different. All of […]

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Depression, Personal Improvement, Therapy

Getting to Goals in Therapy

By: Jen McWaters, Psy.D. | August 11, 2017

You have made the difficult decision to meet with a therapist. But, what will you work on in therapy? What will be the goals of your treatment? Deciding to meet with a therapist for the first time takes strength and courage, especially while experiencing emotional pain and life difficulties. You should know that most therapists […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Therapy

Protecting Our LGBTQ+ Youth

By: Other | July 7, 2017

Written by Paul Paris, Ph.D. Growing up is hard to do! For all of us, especially adolescents and young adults, exploring who we are, what we want in life, and our friendships and intimate relationships are especially important. It’s not always easy navigating our independence with what our parents and family members may expect or […]

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Bullying, Depression, Parenting, Relationships, Teens

How to Be Gentle with Yourself

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | May 12, 2017

Life is hard. Yet, many of us make it worse by being hard on ourselves. We waste precious time beating ourselves up, wallowing in guilt, or chastising ourselves for mistakes we feel we’ve made. We live in a “Get Over It and Move On” society where we are implicitly or explicitly encouraged to be a […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Stress, Therapy

Eating to Feel Good

By: Jen McWaters, Psy.D. | February 3, 2017

Three times a day we get to choose what we want to eat to quiet our hunger. Science has progressed the ability to measure the impact of these choices on our bodies. Recently, research has uncovered fascinating links between diet and our moods. Integrative treatments for mental health have gained traction, particularly in the newer […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Stress