Is Life Really “Not” Fair?

Is Life Really “Not” Fair?

Written by Karin Thebus, Psy.D. We have all heard it and probably have all said it at one time or another, “Well, life is not fair.” It is the automatic response we give to ourselves or another when what we think or believe should happen, or when something that has...
Mindfulness Practice

Mindfulness Practice

Written by Kelly Anderson, Ph.D. In today’s fast paced world, we are often tasked with managing many different situations at once. As humans we have the ability to hold multiple thoughts in our mind at one time and process information about one activity while actively...
Why Do I Feel This Way?

Why Do I Feel This Way?

Written by Karin Thebus, Psy.D. A checklist to help identify your current state of mind Have you ever had that feeling that everything is just not ok? Your mood is low and motivation just won’t come. Sometimes all we need is to change our perspective a bit and...