Is My Child Normal?

Is My Child Normal?

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. One of the most common questions I hear when a parent enters my office to talk about their child is “Is this normal?” We often wonder if our child is developing and behaving in typical kid-fashion or if there is something more we...
Help Kids Beat Summer Boredom

Help Kids Beat Summer Boredom

Written by Rebecca Zygar Almost every child looks forward to the summer. At the beginning of the season it seems like there are endless things to do and all the time in the world to do them. But, without structured schedules things can get boring in a hurry –...
Speaking Your Child’s Love Language

Speaking Your Child’s Love Language

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. Raising emotionally healthy children is a full time journey. It is the most rewarding, incredible journey while also a challenging passage. Along this voyage you may ask, do my children know how much I love them? Am I helping them...
Instilling Family Values

Instilling Family Values

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. Values are instilled at the heart of every family. They are the values that we feel are important to uphold when living our lives and interacting with our world. If asked what values are important in your family, some values may be...