Tips for the Student Athlete

Tips for the Student Athlete

Written by Casey Buck, Intern Growing up, athletics have always been an important aspect of my life. Now, as a collegiate athlete, many new realities have set in. When I was younger, balancing my training schedule for track and field along with my academic coursework...
Forgiveness: A Way to Move On

Forgiveness: A Way to Move On

Written by Asal Azizi, Psy.D. Often times in therapy, a client I am working with is able to recognize the overall improvements they have made. They feel happier, the symptoms they once had are minimal or gone, relationships are improved and they feel more confident....
Reflections on Loss and Moving Forward

Reflections on Loss and Moving Forward

Written by Francine Martinez, Ph.D. The blogs for Therapy Changes tend to be of a more informative nature. Yet today as I prepare my August blog I am drawn to something a bit more personal, and at the same time universal to us all. In May of this year I lost my...
The Value in Perspective Taking

The Value in Perspective Taking

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. Perspective taking is the ability to see things from another person’s view and to better understand what he or she is thinking and feeling. It also comprises of the ability to experience and convey empathy for the other person. It is a...