What is Teletherapy?

What is Teletherapy?

Telemedicine, telepsychology, telehealth, videoconferencing psychotherapy, and teletherapy name the psychological services delivered by electronic means. In teletherapy, the therapist sits in one location, the client in another. A client at home, for example, can...
Got Scaredy Cat Kids?

Got Scaredy Cat Kids?

When our kids feel anxious or scared, any parent would want to jump in and save them from emotional discomfort. In our busy lives, we tend to jump in too soon or brush concerns aside with a quick “there’s nothing to worry about.” Whether you tend to jump in as a...


Laughing out loud. When was the last time you did that….I mean really laughed out loud, not just responded with a smile to an emoji? And, did you know that humor is an all-purpose super power waiting to be unlocked every day? Psychologically speaking, I can announce...