Blog for Better Living


By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | June 19, 2020

Our country is in a state of unrest, as protesters take to the streets in support of racial equality. As we watch events unfolding on the news, we feel anxious, stressed, afraid, and for some…determined: determined to make things better for people of color. Many of us, however, are unsure what to do or where […]

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Anger, Anxiety, Grief, Racial Justice, Therapy, Trauma

Why You Should Get Help Now

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | June 5, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered every aspect of our lives. From access to health care, our work, education, how we socialize, and how we take care of ourselves, we feel that the world has changed. It has, and it changed quickly. We know it’s temporary, but recovery feels like forever. Those experiencing losses by death, […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Stress, Therapy, Trauma

Dr. Lisa Card Strong Joins Therapy Changes

By: Lisa Card Strong, Ph.D. | May 8, 2020

I am thrilled to join the Therapy Changes team to provide specialized care for trauma and personal growth, depression, and anxiety. With more than 19 years of experience as a psychologist, I found that working in private practice exists as my sweet spot. The opportunity to accompany and assist individuals on their journey of growth […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Introduction, Personal Improvement, Therapy, Trauma

And We Danced . . .

By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | May 1, 2020

Over the past few months, the COVID-19 virus has had a tremendous impact on the world. I see people overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and afraid of intimate contact with others outside of their family or housemates. Although COVID-19 presents as a novel experience for many, gay men like me see it with a lot familiarity. We’ve […]

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Anxiety, Grief, Stress, Therapy

What is Teletherapy?

By: Natalie Rice-Thorp, Ph.D. | April 10, 2020

Telemedicine, telepsychology, telehealth, videoconferencing psychotherapy, and teletherapy name the psychological services delivered by electronic means. In teletherapy, the therapist sits in one location, the client in another. A client at home, for example, can confer with a therapist at the clinic. The two have their psychotherapy session together via secure internet technology that allows for […]

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Finding Meaning in Times of Uncertainty

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | March 31, 2020

We all know the Coronavirus is here. We are living through something that no one on the planet has ever lived through before. No protocols exist for a time like this, no wisdom upon which to rely or set a course to follow. In these strangely surreal times, we feel a myriad of emotions such […]

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Anxiety, Grief, Stress, Therapy, Trauma

What Are Men’s Issues?

By: Demet Çek, Ph.D. | March 13, 2020

We all heard the myths about men: Men don’t need to talk about their emotions. Men showing their feelings is a sign of weakness. Men, as a group, hold power and privilege. Men also experience psychological and public health issues at disproportionately higher rates than women. They are 2.5 times more likely than women to […]

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Anger, Depression, Relationships, Substance Abuse, Therapy

Managing Coronavirus Anxiety

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | March 5, 2020

“Fear about the coronavirus has gripped the world. While this new illness certainly is frightening and needs attention, it’s important to note that far more people die from an illness that is all too familiar: the seasonal flu. An estimated 10,000 people have died from flu this year in the U.S. according to the Centers […]

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Anxiety, Education, Therapy

A Group Solution for Overcoming Substance Abuse

By: Other | February 21, 2020

Written by John Mark Krejci, Ph.D. Human beings are naturally social creatures. Being a member of a group is an essential part of the human experience. Our families of origin constitute the first significant social group to which we belong. Friends and peers in school offer the next opportunity for successful socialization. These early experiences […]

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Personal Improvement, Substance Abuse, Therapy