Blog for Better Living

Mirror, Mirror: Breaking Free of the Comparison Trap

By: Natalie Rice-Thorp, Ph.D. | April 22, 2022

Have you ever left a class or staff meeting feeling like an imposter because you think that everyone is smarter than you? Have you ever looked at your social media feed and felt envy for someone else’s seemingly beautiful life? If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. It’s human nature to compare ourselves to […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement

Drinking During the Pandemic

By: Demet Çek, Ph.D. | April 1, 2022

Coauthored by Demet Çek, Ph.D. and Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. We’ve all been there: it’s been a long, hard day at work, and you open a bottle of wine or crack open a beer to unwind. One glass, or one beer can easily turn into two, or three, and become a daily habit – especially during […]

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Depression, Stress, Trauma

7 Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles

By: Other | March 18, 2022

Written by Stephanie Salo, Psy.D. There are often many challenges encountered when trying to solve a problem and reach a goal. The process can be discouraging, and as more obstacles are encountered, frustration and exhaustion magnify. For example, I recently inherited a broken koi pond. I have been determined to either fix it or keep […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement

A Therapist’s Wish for Your 2022!

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | January 7, 2022

A new year brings fresh opportunities and possibilities. It signifies a time of reflection and gratitude for what’s most important in our lives. This is especially true with 2021 in the rearview mirror. Although 2021 started strong with vaccinations bringing the hope of some semblance of normalcy, it was still a tough year! We faced […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Holidays, Personal Improvement

How Can I Tell if My Therapy is Working?

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | September 10, 2021

When I meet with clients for the first time, I ask whether they have had therapy before. If they answer ‘yes,’ I ask what was helpful or not helpful in that experience. I often hear people say they felt like they just vented to their therapist and didn’t get anywhere during their sessions. Surprisingly, many […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Grief, Relationships, Therapy, Trauma

The Effects of Childhood Trauma

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | August 27, 2021

When we think of childhood, we typically associate feelings of security, love, optimism, and joy. Feeling protected and cared for during our childhood not only allows us to develop a secure sense of self but also healthy relationships later in life. Unfortunately, not everyone grows up feeling this way. Even if you had a generally […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Substance Abuse, Trauma

Are My Problems Big Enough for Therapy?

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | August 13, 2021

Some clients say they’re ‘just being silly’ when they talk about their problems during therapy. This tells me my clients regard their concerns as unimportant, not valid, or that they do not deserve care and attention. If this is something you’ve heard yourself say, or something others have said to you, you do not stand […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Therapy

Why Should I Meet with My Therapist Face-to-Face?

By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | July 9, 2021

As therapists begin offering psychotherapeutic services in person, why would we discontinue teletherapy? A vital resource during the pandemic yields to in-person psychotherapy services offered again now that vaccination rates have increased in our area and safety mandates have been lifted. Articles and studies over the past year showed teletherapy and in-person therapy as equitable […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Therapy

Transitioning Out from Under Pandemic Depression

By: Lisa Card Strong, Ph.D. | June 28, 2021

When is it time to pick up the pieces and make changes? Or, should I sit still and repeat the same pandemic patterns? Having suffered sequestration in worldwide sickness for more than a year, suddenly we’re signaled to move out into our old lives with some forceable changes already in place. Add to that the […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement