Blog for Better Living

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | August 16, 2019

“What’s Love Got to Do With It” by Tina Turner (1984) was, and still is, one of the most iconic female ballads. What’s surprising about the catchy, upbeat tune is that it’s actually an anti-love song about a woman who feels no emotional attachments to her lover. She wants him to know that love has […]

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Personal Improvement, Relationships, Therapy

“Failing” to Succeed

By: Other | July 1, 2019

Written by John Mark Krejci, Ph.D. Experts say it takes about 10 years to master a skill. Given that, I have gained relative expertise in the field of psychology, but in the sport of kiteboarding, it took ten years for me to be a total beginner! If you don’t know this sport by name, you […]

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Anxiety, Grief, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Substance Abuse

The Importance of Self-Care in a Go-Go-Go World

By: Other | February 11, 2019

Written by Kimberly Nenemay, Psy.D. My first experience with the word “self-care” came to me as a graduate student. The term was used to describe a measure for preventing professional burnout. We were being taught, as burgeoning “helpers” to others, that it was important to finds ways to help ourselves. The graduate program that I […]

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Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Sleep/Relaxation, Stress, Therapy, Yoga

What it Means to be a Highly Sensitive Person

By: Jen McWaters, Psy.D. | January 29, 2019

You probably know what it means to be an introvert versus an extrovert. Such psychological terms are now mainstream. They help us understand and empathize with one another’s differences. Few people, however, know what it means to be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) versus a non-HSP. Psychologist, Dr. Elaine Aron, wanted to better understand herself […]

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Anxiety, Parenting, Relationships, Stress

Unplugging: Managing “Toxicity Overload”

By: Other | November 26, 2018

Written by Paul Paris, Ph.D. Is your psyche disturbed by world events? Are you overwhelmed by what’s happening in our country? It seems easy these days for such external environments to adversely affect our personal lives. In my own personal life, I have to be mindful of ways to shift and balance my attention so […]

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Mindfulness, Relationships, Stress

Back to School, Back to Routine: The Cost of Tech Addiction

By: Jen McWaters, Psy.D. | August 31, 2018

The final weeks of summer are upon us. The sun is out, final vacations are being savored. We have the time and space to interact with the people around us. Weekend adventures and warm evenings prompt us to step outside to engage with the natural world. We noticeably “feel” better, healthier, and are consciously aware […]

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Children, Family, Parenting, Relationships, Teens

It’s Okay to Say No

By: Other | August 10, 2018

Written by Joy Francisco, Ph.D. Saying “no” can be difficult for many of us. Why difficult? Because it is often associated with being selfish or rude. To the contrary, saying “no” actually means you know your value and respect yourself enough to stand up for your beliefs. We often feel immense pressure to do things […]

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Personal Improvement, Relationships

Thoughts on Interdependence at Commencement

By: Jen McWaters, Psy.D. | June 22, 2018

It’s graduation season! A graduation ceremony is also known as commencement wherein the completion of something arduous and challenging is recognized while celebrating the beginning of a new journey. I attended a graduation ceremony this weekend and had some nostalgia reflecting back on my own graduation experiences. The excitement, relief, and anticipation of what’s next […]

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Anxiety, Personal Improvement, Relationships

Coping with Suicide Loss

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | June 15, 2018

Co-authored by Dr. Rochelle Perper and Dr. Francine Martinez “So ask me if I am alright. ‘I’m fine; I’m always fine.’ You see this look in my eyes. ‘No, I’m fine. I am always fine.’ There is a corpse behind my smile. ‘Listen, I am fine. Always, always fine as fine can be.’ ‘Are you […]

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Depression, Grief, Personal Improvement, Relationships