Blog for Better Living

What To Do About Re-Entry Anxiety Post-COVID Vaccination

By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | May 7, 2021

Do you rank among the folks who feel anxious meeting people in person again? Are you still skeptical of social groups? Nearly 50% of Americans harbor anxiety while resuming in-person interactions post-pandemic, states a report from the American Psychological Association (APA). Those vaccinated against Covid expressed equal unease at social interactions as those who have not had the vaccinations. […]

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Anxiety, Personal Improvement, Relationships

Creative Coping and Tools for the Blues

By: Kristen Lipari, Ph.D. | March 12, 2021

The past year imposed an incredibly challenging time in our lives, in the nation’s history and the world. We can wrestle with our struggles, or we can accept them. ⁠By accepting them, we can direct our attention away from the problem toward a way to cope. Of course, difficult times can stretch our normal coping […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement

Embracing Fear and Vulnerability as Opportunities of a Lifetime

By: Lisa Card Strong, Ph.D. | February 12, 2021

We live in extraordinarily strange times. Thriving does not come to mind by merely surviving. Restructuring does that better. I’ve noticed increased stress levels and more strain on most of us as the pandemic wears on nearly a year now. Boredom exists, although I detect fear more frequently. Fear can grip the important questions of […]

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Grief, Personal Improvement, Stress

From Resolution to Results: Your 2021 Fitness Goals

By: Kamaljit "Sonya" Virdi, Ph.D. | January 22, 2021

It’s that time of year again when the holidays have concluded, New Year’s excitement has worn off, and we face our New Year’s resolutions, the most common one is resolving to exercise more regularly. While you might still be on track with your goal now, you may struggle with having the same energy levels you […]

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Personal Improvement, Relationships

A Better Approach to This Year’s Resolutions

By: Other | January 15, 2021

Written by guest author Caroline Huarte, Ph.D., BCBA, FNTP Let’s make this year different than any before! I’m suggesting we skip the lofty New Year’s resolution that often leaves us deprived and unhappy and trade it in for living an intentional and mindful year that prioritizes self-care. While self-care has become quite the trendy term, […]

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Personal Improvement, Sleep/Relaxation, Stress

Coping with COVID for the Long Haul

By: Lisa Card Strong, Ph.D. | November 13, 2020

2020 has been a challenging year. COVID-19 disrupted our work and relationships. We found it both challenging and breathtaking for our close relationships with significant others, with extended family, and with our children in coping with unexpected disruptions to life as we used to know it. Some of us experienced financial upheaval or illness. The […]

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Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement

Finding R.E.S.T.

By: Jen McWaters, Psy.D. | October 16, 2020

I and others I know seem to long for rest more than anything else these days. Between the news on natural disasters, the political climate, and COVID-19, I find that many of us experience too much stimulation from too much information input resulting in too little space for rest. For some, working from home provides […]

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Anxiety, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Sleep/Relaxation

Therapy Changes Welcomes Dr. Kristen Lipari

By: Kristen Lipari, Ph.D. | September 18, 2020

I am thrilled to join the Therapy Changes family and look forward to serving our diverse and resilient clients. I understand that in your own family you might have received the message that therapy signals weakness, especially for those who really struggle. I received similar messages growing up as an Armenian American ethnic minority. However, […]

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Introduction, Parenting, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress, Therapy, Trauma

Joyful Anticipation

By: Natalie Rice-Thorp, Ph.D. | September 4, 2020

Think back to pre-COVID-19 and ask yourself: Did you love the excitement of planning trips and finding new places to explore? Did you look forward to eating out with friends? Did you relish a leisurely trip through your favorite store just for fun? Did you look forward to exercise time at the gym? Did you […]

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Depression, Parenting, Personal Improvement