Blog for Better Living
Take Care of Yourself During the Holidays
By: Other | December 22, 2017
Written by Paul Paris, Ph.D. The winter holidays are supposed to be a time of joy. For some of us, that expectation may not match our experience. Typically in our society, for those of us who celebrate the holiday season, the winter holidays are spent with friends and family, engaging in traditional activities, sharing certain […]
Read MoreGiving Really is Better than Receiving
By: Jen McWaters, Psy.D. | December 15, 2017
You may hear the phrase “it’s better to give than to receive” more often around the holidays, that time of year associated with giving and receiving gifts. In our consumerist culture, we can lose sight of what we already have to focus exclusively on our needs and wants. Money cannot buy happiness despite what advertisements […]
Read MoreRemaining Positive about Ourselves and Our Lives
By: Other | December 8, 2017
Written by Francine Martinez, Ph.D. “The Good Life is a Process…Not a State of Being.” –Carl Rogers Are the demands of seasonal social gatherings and family getting you down? Are financial pressures or employment piquing your positive perspective? Does it feel like chaos and worry are taking over your life? The practice of Positive Psychology […]
Read MoreAnger, Anxiety, Depression, Holidays, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Stress
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Goodness Gracious
By: Other | November 24, 2017
Written by Joy Francisco, Ph.D. The best time to start a gratitude journal is now. Why? Because people frequently worry about things they do not have or things that have not happened. Consequently, they rarely consider the beneficial things they do have and good things that did happen. If the simplest negative thought can promote […]
Read MoreUnderstanding Brain Injury
By: Other | November 17, 2017
Written by Mike Campbell, Ed.D. Publicized sports injuries have brought the issue of brain injury to public attention. Whether such injury occurs on a sports field, in our backyards, or afar, understanding brain injury is important for everyone. All brain injuries are unique. Such injuries can happen at any age and can occur from large […]
Read MoreThe Power of Gratitude
By: Other | November 10, 2017
Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. “Gratitude opens the door to the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude.” — Deepak Chopra This is the time of year we discuss the concept of gratitude and being thankful. Some of us will take it to heart and practice gratitude at […]
Read MoreAnxiety, Depression, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress
Selfie Syndrome
By: Other | November 3, 2017
Written by Anke Reineke, Ph.D. “Selfie” gained fame as a well-known word in our daily lives. Not only adults, but also more and more preteens and young children take endless selfies upon life’s every moments, which constantly change to display an enhanced version of themselves. They post and share these pictures on social media, chasing […]
Read MoreThe Prescription for Grief is to Grieve
By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | October 27, 2017
“Grief demands to be seen and felt – and when we see it and feel it, grief will break our hearts open into sweeping expansion.” -Joanne Cacciatore The grieving process acts as a long winding road through a myriad of painful and unexpected emotions. Such emotions range from shock and anger to disbelief, guilt, anger, fear, and […]
Read MoreAvoidance to Acceptance
By: Other | October 20, 2017
Written by Paul Paris, Ph.D. Do you procrastinate? Do you push off the stuff you don’t want to do to some indeterminate future? Avoiding things in day to day life is fairly common, especially when associated with something unpleasant or something we just do not want to do but feel we must. I remember as […]
Read MoreAnxiety, Grief, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Stress, Therapy