Blog for Better Living

Integrating Yoga Practices into Therapy

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | November 2, 2018

“Come with me to a yoga class!” said my friend Caroline to me sometime last year. “Why on earth would I want to go to a stretch class with strangers I don’t know?” I thought to myself. If you relate to this sentiment, you are not alone. I harbored great skepticism about the practice of […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Mindfulness, Therapy, Yoga

Reframing Failure

By: Other | April 6, 2018

Written by Joy Francisco, Ph.D. “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.” — J.K. Rowling All situations that happen to us in life have no inherent meaning. We are the […]

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Personal Improvement, Therapy

Therapy Changes Welcomes Dr. Haim Shemer

By: Other | March 30, 2018

Written by Haim Shemer, Psy.D. I am happy and thrilled to be a part of Therapy Changes! I look forward to working with the Therapy Changes team and the clients we serve. Being a therapist has been a dream and a goal for me from a very young age. During my teen years, I loved […]

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Introduction, Personal Improvement, Sleep/Relaxation, Therapy

ACT to Improve the Relationship with Ourselves

By: Other | February 23, 2018

Written by Paul Paris, Ph.D. Doesn’t it seem like certain problems in life never go away? Or, if anything, they seem to get worse? Do you suffer from chronic depression, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy…those unpleasant experiences that become even more frustrating when nothing you’ve done seems to help? When such problems do not go away, […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Therapy

Goodness Gracious

By: Other | November 24, 2017

Written by Joy Francisco, Ph.D. The best time to start a gratitude journal is now. Why? Because people frequently worry about things they do not have or things that have not happened. Consequently, they rarely consider the beneficial things they do have and good things that did happen. If the simplest negative thought can promote […]

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Personal Improvement, Therapy

Avoidance to Acceptance

By: Other | October 20, 2017

Written by Paul Paris, Ph.D. Do you procrastinate? Do you push off the stuff you don’t want to do to some indeterminate future? Avoiding things in day to day life is fairly common, especially when associated with something unpleasant or something we just do not want to do but feel we must. I remember as […]

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Anxiety, Grief, Mindfulness, Personal Improvement, Stress, Therapy

Do You Suffer from Depression?

By: Other | September 29, 2017

Therapy Changes eagerly announces new, innovative treatments for our clients that compliment therapy and help achieve goals more effectively. Our team recently learned of an alternative treatment approach for patients suffering from Major Depressive Disorder or MDD. The treatment is called Brainsway Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or dTMS. Therapy Changes is pleased to share an […]

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Depression, Therapy

How to Get What You Need in a Relationship

By: Other | August 25, 2017

Written by Paula Fortune, Intern We all have needs. We recognize the most basic needs when we feel hungry, tired, or unsafe. These needs have simple solutions that we can accomplish independently. Emotional needs, however, become more complicated when we ask them to be met in a relationship. You may not want to appear needy […]

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Relationships, Therapy

Writing for Mental and Emotional Well-Being

By: Other | August 18, 2017

Written by Paul Paris, Ph.D. Some of us enjoy writing. Some of us loathe it. Like any personal affinity or dislike, the process of writing may inspire and resonate with us or we may feel indifferent about it — a task with which we just don’t connect. The reasons we write are different. All of […]

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Depression, Personal Improvement, Therapy