Blog for Better Living

How to Avoid Common Thinking Traps in Parenthood

By: Kristen Lipari, Ph.D. | March 4, 2022

Parenthood is full of traps, some of which come in the form of inexplicably painful Legos that hide on the floor just waiting for you to stumble at the end of a long day. Some of these traps occur in our minds. They’re thinking traps, and just because they live in our heads does not […]

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Children, Family, Parenting

How to Help Your Teen Become Their Own Person

By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | February 7, 2022

Individuation is a crucial developmental phase that starts in early adolescence. During this time teens and young adults begin to assert their own independent identity and establish a cohesive sense of self. Physician and psychiatrist Margaret Mahler describes this period of development as follows: “The child’s life begins in a symbiotic relationship with their primary caregiver before […]

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Parenting, Relationships, Teens

The Art of Letting Go: Tips for Newly Empty Nesters

By: Natalie Rice-Thorp, Ph.D. | September 24, 2021

Do you find yourself looking longingly at your child’s baby pictures? Do the ads for “dorm room décor” bring you to the brink of tears? Have you recently helped your high school graduate pack up their belongings? If the answer is ‘yes,’ then you might be a new empty nester. If you are finding it […]

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Family, Parenting, Relationships

Preparing for Parenthood: Myths vs. Reality

By: Kristen Lipari, Ph.D. | May 25, 2021

Parents-to-be often hear that becoming a parent is “the most wonderful and rewarding experience.” While possibly true, parenthood can also present challenges unlike any you may have experienced previously. If we put parenthood on a pedestal, we may find ourselves subscribing to unrealistic expectations that are impossible to fulfill. Dispelling myths that exist around parenthood […]

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Anxiety, Children, Family, Mindfulness, Parenting

Who Takes Care of Mama?

By: Kristen Lipari, Ph.D. | February 5, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic seems to have made every transition and challenge much harder. Becoming a new parent is no exception. Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) impacted 15-20% of moms before the pandemic. Now in its midst, experts estimate the rates of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders as much higher while bringing more social isolation […]

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Anxiety, Depression, Family, Parenting

Therapy Changes Welcomes Dr. Kristen Lipari

By: Kristen Lipari, Ph.D. | September 18, 2020

I am thrilled to join the Therapy Changes family and look forward to serving our diverse and resilient clients. I understand that in your own family you might have received the message that therapy signals weakness, especially for those who really struggle. I received similar messages growing up as an Armenian American ethnic minority. However, […]

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Introduction, Parenting, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress, Therapy, Trauma

Teens and COVID-19

By: Michael Toohey, Psy.D. | September 11, 2020

Teens have difficult times during COVID-19. They miss seeing their friends and classmates in person. Socializing with peers is an important part of teen development while COVID-19 creates a social distancing challenge. The big letdown of not attending graduations, proms, sports, or college visits means many teens feel frustrated, depressed, irritable, annoyed, and sad. […]

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Depression, Parenting, Teens

Joyful Anticipation

By: Natalie Rice-Thorp, Ph.D. | September 4, 2020

Think back to pre-COVID-19 and ask yourself: Did you love the excitement of planning trips and finding new places to explore? Did you look forward to eating out with friends? Did you relish a leisurely trip through your favorite store just for fun? Did you look forward to exercise time at the gym? Did you […]

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Depression, Parenting, Personal Improvement

Got Scaredy Cat Kids?

By: Natalie Rice-Thorp, Ph.D. | January 24, 2020

When our kids feel anxious or scared, any parent would want to jump in and save them from emotional discomfort. In our busy lives, we tend to jump in too soon or brush concerns aside with a quick “there’s nothing to worry about.” Whether you tend to jump in as a swooper or dismiss as […]

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Anxiety, Children, Parenting