Blog for Better Living

Emotions and Our Bodies

By: Other | August 10, 2015

Written by Francine Martinez, Ph.D. A new movie was released this summer from Disney/Pixar, Inside Out. As a psychologist the trailers were intriguing – an animated film about our emotions as “live entities” in our heads. How could I not go?! The film, if you haven’t seen it, is delightful and brings to light the important role our […]

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Personal Improvement

Are You Living The Life You Want To Live?

By: Other | July 27, 2015

Written by Karin Thebus, Psy.D. This is a question about values and what we each value in our life. Trying to understand each person’s personal values is much easier than we think and maybe not as universal as we may have been lead to believe. Everyone has heard, and probably has said, that they understand the difference […]

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Personal Improvement

Lessons of Mindfulness

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | July 15, 2015

I recently attended a presentation on the practice of mindfulness hosted by Dr. Rochelle Calvert at New Mindful Life. I have heard about the practice of mindfulness before, but wasn’t exactly sure what to expect. I imagined we would sit on the floor in the full lotus position trying to clear our minds of all […]

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Mindfulness, Personal Improvement

Summer Time Fun: Breaking up the Daily Grind

By: Other | June 26, 2015

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. Do you ever feel like you get up, face the tasks of the day, go to bed and then wake up to press replay? The Groundhog Day phenomenon!  We all laugh about it, but the reality is that it can be very draining. Today’s Society In our society today, we […]

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Family, Personal Improvement, Relationships

How Does Summer Affect Your Mental Health?

By: Other | June 26, 2015

Written by Francine Martinez, Ph.D. We are again in the throes of summer; warm weather, sunshine, and vacations; somehow life seems to be just a little bit better for most of us.  So, what does that mean about our mental health? In 2013 the United States and Australia joined together with Google to track trends […]

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Depression, Personal Improvement, Therapy

Personal Growth and Therapy

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | June 26, 2015

We welcome you to listen my Personal Growth and Therapy podcast with RadioReflections: LISTEN About The Episode, by RadioReflections In this episode Rochelle Perper, psychologist and principle therapist at Therapy Changes discusses the nuts and bolts of therapy. Information regarding when and how to begin and end therapy, what questions to ask a potential therapist, […]

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Personal Improvement, Therapy

It’s About the Journey… and Your Perspective

By: Other | May 19, 2015

Written by Stefanie Platt, Psy.D. As I approached my 30s, I, unlike many of my friends, welcomed the decade with great joy, as this decade was the one where all of the good things happen, including welcomed stability. My excitement has often been countered by fear experienced by my peers. I frequently hear the disappointment […]

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Personal Improvement, Therapy

The ‘Up’ Side of Feeling Down

By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | April 16, 2015

In today’s culture, everyone loves to be happy. Just look at posts on Facebook and other social media of people smiling and having a wonderful time. Bookstores are full of self-help books and you can’t go online without finding an article on “how to be happier.” We’re inundated with the craze to be happy – […]

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Depression, Family, Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress

Spring Time: A Time to Nourish your Well-Being

By: Other | March 26, 2015

Written by Jennifer Wendt, Ph.D. Spring is in the air! It is a season filled with hope, growth, new life and excitement. The weather is warming, the plants are in bloom, ideas and plans of new activities begin to emerge.  If you are a gardener, you know that Spring is a time to nurture your […]

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Personal Improvement, Relationships, Stress