Therapy Changes Welcomes Dr. Gregory Koch
By: Gregory E. Koch, Psy.D. | December 26, 2020

In our era of “snapshot appearances” and social media, being yourself can be hard. It isn’t easy to keep up appearances, and this takes a toll on our self-esteem and self-identity. That is why having a place where you can be yourself, let your guard down, be vulnerable, and be seen is so important. Holding this space with my clients is what makes therapy so meaningful to me.
If you have unresolved trauma, relationship difficulties, loss and heartache, or you want to grow as a person, therapy can be the place for you. I’ve been helping clients heal and grow for over 22 years. I am delighted to join the Therapy Changes team where I can continue to provide focused guidance when it’s needed most.
Having the courage to be yourself
I started helping others affirm their identities when I was in college. After coming out as a gay man at a small liberal arts school in North Texas, I started the first LGBTQQ+ organization on the Austin College campus. I didn’t do it alone, though. I had the help of friends, straight and gay, who sat with me in the student union building for our first meeting. We were out in the open; everyone walking by could see us. I couldn’t have done it without those friends’ help: the people who saw me, valued me, and worked with me to create a safe place for growth.
This experience made me passionate about providing LGBTQQ+ services and for helping emerging adults find themselves. For the past decade, I worked as a counseling psychologist at the University of California, San Diego. In this role, I had the chance to create community spaces like the one I helped create for my college. I created spaces for gay men and couples to meet and discuss their relationships. These were safe spaces for self and relationship improvement. But again, I couldn’t have done it alone. It was the community that made this work meaningful and successful.
Because of the opportunities I have had to work in the LGBTQQ+ community, I believe in people’s capacity for connection and personal transformation in healthy relationships. I believe that relationships give life meaning—none of the work we do amounts to a hill of beans without connection. Life cannot be about perfectionism or achievement alone. It must be about love for ourselves and others. When we understand this, we can look honestly at ourselves and create health, healing, and growth spaces.
I look forward to meeting you
I hope that my experience working with the LGBTQQ+ community, my experience helping others heal from trauma, and my passion for building meaningful connection can be helpful to you. I look forward to joining and building community at Therapy Changes. I invite you to take the first step and be a part of that work.