Personal Growth and Therapy
By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | June 26, 2015

We welcome you to listen my Personal Growth and Therapy podcast with RadioReflections: LISTEN
About The Episode, by RadioReflections
In this episode Rochelle Perper, psychologist and principle therapist at Therapy Changes discusses the nuts and bolts of therapy. Information regarding when and how to begin and end therapy, what questions to ask a potential therapist, the dynamics of couple’s therapy and how to manage life transitions and grief and the goals of therapy are all touched upon. A summary of the conversation is found below: What questions might a person ask him or herself to decide whether therapy might be useful? Would help managing life’s transitions be useful? Am I suffering from depression or anxiety? Do I need help with relationship issues? Would talking to a trained professional help with my personal growth or development?
Would I like to speak openly and honestly in a safe environment with a professional? Questions to ask before deciding on a therapist: What is your treatment approach? What is the philosophy behind that? What is the research? Am I confident and comfortable with this therapist?