Looking for Creative Ways to Ring in the New Year?
By: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D. | December 31, 2013

New Year’s Eve is a time of reflection, joy, and celebration. For many, plans include spending time with loved ones with a focus on fun and entertainment. If you are struggling with what to do this year, or if you are looking for a change of your usual tradition, here are some suggestions to ring in 2014 with a creative twist!
Tips for a positive and creative New Year:
- Start the year with an empty jar and fill it with notes about good things that happen. This time next year, empty it and see what awesome stuff happened in 2014
- Give your New Year resolutions a positive splash by focusing on things that will make you happy and that are meaningful to you – use magazine cut-outs, paint, stickers, and words to make a vision board of all the things you are looking forward to
- Gather with your family and friends and watch home videos or look at pictures from this past year. Even in the toughest years you are likely to be surprised at all the good times shared. If you feel especially inspired, make a scrapbook as a way to document holidays, events, and rites of passage
- Write a letter to yourself, or to a loved one reflecting on this past year, and what you are excited about in the year to come. Use your letter as an opportunity to express sentiments that you might not share otherwise. Keep the letter in a safe place and a year from now you can read it and see how far you’ve come
- If you are thinking of a loved one that has passed away, set aside time to remember him or her with a special toast, enjoying their favorite meal, or enjoying their favorite activity
- Consider doing something physical like taking a hot yoga class, going for a swim, a walk on the beach or a hike. Enjoying the outdoors will invigorate and refresh you for 2014
- Make it a point to celebrate yourself by enjoying something relaxing, decadent and fun. For some, this might include a massage, lighting candles, a hot bubble bath, trying a new recipe, or playing your favorite music
Whatever you choose to do, make it a point to leave work behind and spend time with your family, friends, and your partner – it will be more rewarding than you could possibly imagine. At Therapy Changes, we wish you, and yours a peaceful and rewarding year.